Friday, April 27, 2007

Themes and banners

Valentine's day theme

Halloween theme

E Birthday card

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Am writing from the Indian organisation for Autism. Am trying to contact organisations in Sri Lanka that work with and for individuals with autism. Also in case there are any organisation of people with autism.
The South Asia Regional Conference in Autism is taking place on 15 and 16 January 2008 in New Delhi. It will be followed by a two day training in structured teaching based on the TEACCH approach, on 17 and 18 January.
We would like to invite the presentation of a country paper fron Sri Lanka. Any help in making contacts would be much appreciated.
We understand that the Chitra Lane School is working in this area. An email contact to them would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Merry Barua
Action For Autism India